Brand Design & Strategy
We offer a suite of brand strategy services to complement our naming, design and research capabilities.
Branding is what connects a company with its community..

A brand is more than a logo. It’s a statement of quality that wins respect and provokes the loyalty of those who come to know it. To stay ahead, to remain contemporary and relevant in a changing world, branding and implementation demands attention, insight, agility, and co-ordination.
Powerphrase Brand Design helps organisations design, establish and expand brands that build loyalty with your customers, staff, and stakeholders.
Our offering includes the full spectrum of brand, design and implementation services. Through understanding your business and developing a strategy that uses the right communication channels, our campaigns deliver real outcomes.
Our brand consultants work with trained logo design team investing time and effort in researching trends and patterns in the client’s area of business activity. Armed with the resulting knowledge our skilled branding consultants and logo designers sets out to design the logo, customizing fonts and trying out all possible combinations that would lend your business a meaningful, distinct and unique identity.
Our professional logo designers work hard to achieve uniqueness even in cases where clients want us to replicate a logo of some other company that impressed them. Every business logo, design job is assigned to two designers so as to give you a range of different options. We also make sure several designers work on larger assignments.

Our high confidence levels stems from our years of knowledge in the business.
We assure you the effectiveness of the logo we develop for you. The care and skill that go into the making of them ensure they work as the most prominent and primary tool of communication of your business, the face of your organization, the most powerful representation of the nature and goals of your business and the signature you put on the promises you make to your prospect.
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Contact Us
2900 South Harbor Blvd Suite- 217, Santa Ana, CA 92704. United States.
Phone: (310) 734-8328
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