Social Media Management
We build and maintain multiple traffic generating social hubs for our clients and then generate a synergy between the hubs to increase the the effectiveness of the campaign.
What is Social media management
Social media itself is a catch-all term for sites that may provide radically different social actions. For instance, Twitter is a social site designed to let people share short messages or “updates” with others. Facebook, in contrast is a full-blown social networking site that allows for sharing updates, photos, joining events and a variety of other activities.
Why is Social media management important?
Powerphrase Social Media Management is a service which utilizes the rapidly emerging social media websites used by tens of millions of potential customers each day to drive targeted consumers to our client’s websites and products. We build and maintain multiple traffic generating social hubs for our clients and then generate a synergy between the hubs to increase the the effectiveness of the campaign. The amount of quality targeted traffic generated rivals SEO and PPC in both scale and cost effectiveness as our process also results in a client’s social hubs inclusion in search engine results at positions that rival even the most expensive SEO or PPC campaigns.

Powerphrase Social Media Management is a service which utilizes the rapidly emerging social media websites used by tens of millions of potential customers each day to drive targeted consumers to our client’s websites and products. We build and maintain multiple traffic generating social hubs for our clients and then generate a synergy between the hubs to increase the the effectiveness of the campaign. The amount of quality targeted traffic generated rivals SEO and PPC in both scale and cost effectiveness as our process also results in a client’s social hubs inclusion in search engine results at positions that rival even the most expensive SEO or PPC campaigns.
We accomplish this as follows:
We custom build and maintain a Corporate Facebook page for our client which can include tools to direct the customer directly to the client’s shopping cart or purchase page of their corporate site. The Facebook page is updated and promoted daily and any comments about the company are moderated by Powerphrase, and deleted if inappropriate.
We build and maintain a Corporate Twitter feed for the client and provide daily Tweets about the company’s products or specials. The Twitter feed is linked to, and directs customers to the other social hubs.

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2900 South Harbor Blvd Suite- 217, Santa Ana, CA 92704. United States.
Phone: (310) 734-8328
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