Brand Manual Design
We help you create a brand asset poised to make you the authority in the market.
Your brand today is the key to being heard and remembered, it is a heritage and personification of a culture that cannot be overstated in any scenario.
What a brand manual is and why it serves as a corporate holy grail?
Whether you’re a startup, or a corporate, a brand manual is a must for all- a formal document that is often misunderstood. A brand manual is essentially a guide for anyone associated with the company. It’s one of the most important documents to remain consistent in, as it conveys a very crucial message contributing to the growth and success of a brand. It is your corporate identity. It covers topics like primary logo design, the various elements of a logo, its applications and incorrect methods of use. This is often paired along with your brand’s colors and explains the color system in depth. The next area of interest here is the corporate typography, which is basically the font used by used by your company. This includes your primary and secondary fonts followed by corporate iconography.
Grid systems are widely used to explain logo and other placement of assets in various aspect ratios, which is an image attribution element. Let’s say that you’re getting a flyer done from a vendor, so with the help of your brand manual, he’ll know exactly how to design it for tablets, smartphones and computers with consistency.
If you have a brand story, then there is no better place to talk about it. The context of the brand paired with various visual representations of it will connect your team members and stakeholders in a very inspirational way.
This is the visual language, the embodiment of the message your brand wishes to stand for and communicate, and hence nothing must be left to chance or general interpretation.

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