Respond to customer queries and problems faster than the speed of their cry.
Chatbots are a technological marvel that helps you craft intelligent responses and solutions via conversations based on your customer’s behavior and thoughts.
Your customers are demanding more of you. It’s time you use tech to make them happy.
The weather in the world of chatbots is as sunny as ever, owning to the data that tells us about 85% of businesses in 2020 will run their customer service via chatbots. So, what exactly is it? Let’s say that you had the most compassionate, understanding expert is at the command of your customers 24x7x365. Would that be awesome and almost sky rocket your company’s reputation?
A chatbot is exactly that, which not only learns from time with data collected but you can also train and mentor it to perform better. It’s not as mechanical as it sounds, with the right experts, it’s a breeze.
Using simple but highly personalized tools like Facebook Chatbot, you can configure it easily and make it a very personalized experience for site visitors. It’s almost instant conversion, where a large portion of your website visitors have a strong chance of interacting with your chatbot. This is a much more efficient lead capturing mechanism as opposed to email signups etc.
In terms of ROI, a chatbot has 50% click through rate of links, which naturally bring in more leads in your sales pipeline, with minimum effort and time.
You can scale up your operations without a significant rise in costs, which is a win win for any business in terms of taking risks and risk management.

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