Google Display Remarketing

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Google Display Marketing

The purpose of remarketing is to show ads to people that have visited your website to remind them of your brand. The simplest setup places a general piece of code throughout the website so that a visitor of any page is tracked with a cookie and an advertising banner is displayed to them on sites that display Google display network ad blocks. More complex implementations can involve placing specific tags on specific pages, for example the golf page, and then the ads they see for the resort can target their interest in golf packages. The idea is to make this advertising very specific to the visitor’s interest and achieve higher conversion as a result.

How Google Remarketing Setup Works?
Advertising costs are pay-per-click. You’ll need to define a budget, we’d suggest starting with something like $35 per day and we can adjust up/down as needed

Remarketing setup requires a fair amount of creative and technical work. Below you can read and outline of how we approach this process.
Define Use Cases
Campaign Setup

Display Network Maintenance

Once we have done the above and started the campaign, each click is charged against the daily budget we set.

As the ads are shown, we start to see the websites the ads are shown on. We can then adjust our ads, our bids or block certain sites, but that can only be done once the campaign has started running. Please budget extra time for campaign maintenance for the first 3 months so we can check the campaign frequently and create reports of its performance. Once we are comfortable with the settings and the performance of your initial use cases, you can consider how to improve on what we’ve built.

Powerphrase will take you along each step of the way!


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