How a Web Design Company in Orange County Handles UI and UX

As a business owner building a website, there is a large amount of terms that you will hear quite often. A couple of those terms are UI and UX. What you may not know is that those terms stand for user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). When you need help understanding and developing your site, calling on the expertise of a web design company can be crucial to your overall success. They can also help you with the elusive user interface and user experience. Here’s how:

User Interface – Your Site’s Structure

When you get help for your web design in Irvine, your web design team is going to work heavily on your site’s user interface. The user interface is the web design term that stands for your site’s structure. Your site’s menus, headers, and the map of your site (how pages are categorized) are all part of the user interface. When your web design team begins working on your site’s user interface, they work on developing a structurally sound website. They will work to ensure that your sitemap flows well, that menus are working as they should and that all pages within your site are loading properly. Your user interface often functions as your site’s backbone, and a strong backbone means that your site will most likely work well. No matter how your site needs to function, your web design team will probably start by developing and adjusting your user interface.

User Experience – How Users Encounter Your Site

Your site’s user experience involves your users’ feelings when navigating through your site. And, of course, since feelings are a vague domain, user experience may involve more work for your web design team. A web design company in California will work on your user experience by checking in to see whether your site is making sense to users and whether it can be navigated intuitively. Your web design team will also work to make sure that your site is offering useful information in a desirable way. A large amount of your website’s user experience will be related to how your site itself is perceived by the consumers who are using it. When you tap into the expertise of a web design team, you can rest assured that they will tackle both your site’s user interface and user experience thoroughly.