How to Increase The Page Speed Of Your Website

People want answers to their queries fast. A fast-loading page can improve your Google rankings. Slower the page speed, the more the bounce rate. When your site is loading slowly, users can get frustrated and leave, which in turn gives the search engines an indicator that the site is not user-friendly thereby negatively impacting your ranking. 

Follow these tips to increase the page speed of your website and boost your traffic and conversions.    

Use Minify CSS, Javascript, and HTML

The source code on the website needs to be optimized by reducing the size of your code by removing extra spaces, commas, and a lot of redundant or unnecessary code. The server likes a streamlined code and it will drastically improve your page speed. 

You can use a few tools which can help you optimize your code:

  • CSSNano
  • UglifyJS
  • Google Closure Compiler for Javascript

Optimize images

High-quality images look great on the site, but they are large in size and take a while to load. Also, JPEG files are far larger than PNG files, which are compressed and specially made for the web. Keeping the files to their smallest size possible without losing quality is your best bet here. Always make sure the files are compressed.

Minimize HTTP requests

Page redirects force the server to look for another link to open after you’ve loaded the initial URL. This will increase the load times for the users. You need to check how many HTTP requests your website is currently making by using the developer tools on your browser. Also, check if there are any unnecessary files that are being loaded that are linked from other servers, such as images and documents. Make sure to keep redirects to a minimum.

Page speed impacts users’ perception of the brand and its products and services. Ensure web page speed is at its optimum. Contact here if you want to connect with the best SEO Company in Los Angeles.