Local SEO Pricing

We offer services that enable businesses of all sizes to get access to truly expert, reliable local SEO support!

All of our Local SEO Pricing – Best SEO Company California include

Keyword Research – We interview you for your input and then research how your target audience is likely to search for your products or services.
Keyword Selection and Project Planning – With keyword targets selected we determine which of your assets, your Google business listing or your website, will be used to earn the best possible ranking for each selected keyword.
Google Business Listing Review – Sometimes this is easy, sometimes it isn’t. Businesses that have moved may need considerable effort to get this valuable asset ready to be ranked. Whatever it takes, we’ll get it done!
Google Business Listing Optimization – We make sure your listing is full of the information Google wants to see including photos & content.
Citations – This includes creating new citations but early in the process, we focus on claiming & fixing incorrect citations!
Data Aggregator Review – We make sure that your business is listed correctly in the data aggregators, and report to you on incorrect data that will need to be fixed to remove roadblocks to top rankings!

What Makes Powerphrase Stand Out as Best SEO Company Santa Ana, CA?
Flexibility – You set your budget and we select the priorities to bend your traffic curve upward as quickly as possible!
Affordability – We offer packages that enable businesses of all sizes to get access to truly expert, reliable local SEO support!
Results – We focus on the tactics that will provide the best return on investment for your business!


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Contact Us

2900 South Harbor Blvd Suite- 217, Santa Ana, CA 92704. United States.
Phone: (310) 734-8328


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